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Reversible and Permanent Contraception

Reversible contraception is a popular option for women who want non-permanent birth control that they don’t need to think about taking every day. If you are considering reversible contraception, make an appointment at Ogden Clinic’s Women Center to discuss the best option for you.

Mirena® – A T-shaped device containing progestin that is implanted in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Mirena® is very effective (less than 1 in 100 women with Mirena® will get pregnant) and pregnancy may be achieved once the device is removed. Mirena® has fewer side effects since the device doesn’t contain estrogen. Many women experience lighter periods and cramps, and about 1 in 5 women’s periods completely stop. Irregular spotting the first few months after insertion is common.

Skyla® – A slightly smaller IUD with a similar hormonal composition to Mirena®.

PARAGARD® – A small and flexible T-shaped device usually made of copper or plastic that is inserted through the uterus to provide birth control. The device is the only hormone-free, long-acting product of its kind which is desirable to nursing patients. Women should expect similar menstruating patterns, with the exception of the first six months following insertion, when periods may be heavier with slightly more cramping and longer bleeding durations.

NEXPLANON® implant – A small plastic rod inserted under the skin of your upper arm. The device isn’t visible but can be felt under the skin. The insertion area is numbed and feels like a pinch. NEXPLANON® will release hormones for up to three years. The implant will keep ovaries from releasing eggs and thicken cervical muscles to assist in keeping sperm from reaching eggs. Periods may become lighter and fewer, and some patients experience irregular spotting or periods may stop altogether. Patients can become pregnant after the Nexplanon® is removed.

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